The cop asked me one poignant question on the bridge of our bad marriage—did I miss playing viola?…..The morning
lay un-composed, at the bridge of our bad marriage. I don’t remember answering.
The morning lay un-composed, while the cop stalked a woodland killer.
……………I don’t remember answering, the willow’s legato leaves unfurled.
While the cop stalked a woodland killer, he seemed to forget we’d married the willow’s legato leaves, unfurled.
While the cop emptied his chamber—he seemed to forget we’d married:
… super power is evanescence.
……….While the cop emptied his chamber, I slept in his uniform shirt.
My super power is evanescence — he never knew
……….I did this. I slept ……….in his uniform shirt…..& dreamt each tree—a coffin.
He never knew I did this. Does boxwood miss the tree it’s made from? I dreamt.
……….Each tree—a coffin. Did
I miss playing viola—
……………does boxwood miss the tree
……….it’s made from?
……………The cop asked me
……….one poignant question.