We are pleased to announce that the 2015 ALSCW Conference will take place Friday and Saturday, October 9th and 10th at the Louisiana State University, at the Lod Cook Alumni Center. Plans include a preliminary evening of readings on Thursday night, October 8th, and an ALSCW board meeting on Sunday morning the 11th.
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
Mackie’s Airport Cab Service provides service between the Baton Rouge Airport and the conference site. Advance reservation can be made by calling (225) 774-9645. Rooms will be available for conference-goers at the Lod Cook Alumni Center (http://www.thecookhotel.com/) as well as in several hotels adjacent to campus. Information about conference panels and their organizers will be forth-coming. We are looking forward to seeing you this coming October.
Adelaide M. Russo
ALSCW President
Phyllis M. Taylor Professor of French Studies
Director, Program in Comparative Literature
In addition, there will be a specific conference email address to be announced shortly.