Harry Thomas will read from his new book of poems, Some Complicity, about to be published by Un-Gyve Press.
Tuesday 17 September, at 5.30 p.m., at the Editorial Institute, 143 Bay State Road. Wine will be served.
Harry Thomas, who taught at Boston University before he moved to California, is the author of May This Be (Jackdaw Press 2001); the translator of Joseph Brodsky’s “Gorbunov and Gorchakov” (To Urania, Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1987); and the editor of Thomas Hardy: Selected Poems (Penguin 1993) as well as of Montale in English (translations by various hands, Penguin 2002). His critical work includes Berryman’s Understanding (Northeastern 1988).
RSVP to Lesley Moreau, lesleymoreau@gmail.com