The inaugural meeting of the Chicago ALSCW went off well. The room was so full some people had to stand or sit on the floor; about 60 attended. Robert Polito read his poems for 50 minutes, including showing a 3-minute film of a poem of his that had been set to a dreamy collage of images and dissonant sounds. Discussion afterwards was lively, followed by a feast of hors d’oeuvres and wine and general almost raucous good fellowship. Guests included faculty and students from various departments in the University of Chicago, but also quite a few from other schools and from the city at large. Clare Cavanagh, our former president, attended, and was as usual brimming with enthusiasm.
Middle, left to right: Professor Richard Strier, University of Chicago (English); Polito.
Bottom, left to right: Strier; Rosanna Warren; Polito.