Announcing the Meringoff Awards Winners

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The ALSCW is pleased to announce the winners of the Stephen J. Meringoff Literary Awards. The winner of the Meringoff Poetry Award is Chana Bloch, for a group of poems, selected by judges Greg Delanty and David Curzon. The winner of the Meringoff Fiction Award is Lisa Heiserman Perkins, for “I’m Dying Here,” selected by judges Francis Blessington, Mark Halliday, and Rosanna Warren. The Meringoff Nonfiction Award has been divided between two co-winners, Cassandra Nelson, for “Manichaeism and the Movies: Flannery O’Connor and the Roman Catholic Response to Film and Television at Midcentury,” and George Wen, for “House Hunting in Shanghai,” selected by judges John Burt and Gail Holst-Warhaft. The Meringoff High School Essay Award goes to Nora Battelle, Grade XII, of the Brearley School, New York City, for “And Joy Must Flee,” selected by judges John Leonard and Elise Partridge. All winners will receive $2000 (with the exception of the co-winners of the Nonfiction Award, who will receive $1000 each), and the winning entries will be published in either Literary Imagination or Literary Matters. The Meringoff Awards are funded by Stephen J. Meringoff.