BRIGHT STAR Panel Discussion with Stuart Curran, Christopher Ricks, Timothy Corrigan and Susan Wolfson

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A reprint of an announcement of interest.

Romantic Circles is very pleased to announce a new audio resource, a recording of the panel discussion about the new Jane Campion film Bright Star, which can be downloaded here:

or recieved as part of the (free) subscription to the RC Audio podcast by pasting the link below into the podcast aggregator of your choice (iTunes, etc.)

More information is below:

On 13 September 2009, the Keats-Shelley Association of America hosted a special advance screening of Jane Campion’s new film Bright Star, about the love between John Keats and Fanny Brawne, at the New York Public Library. Following the screening was a special panel of reactions to the movie, featuring Stuart Curran (distinguished professor Emeritus of the University of Pennsylvania and president of the KSAA), Christopher Ricks (William M. and Sara B. Warren Professor of the Humanities and Co-Director of the Editorial Institute, Boston University), Timothy Corrigan (professor of English and Director of Cinema Studies, University of Pennsylvania) and Susan Wolfson (Professor of English, Princeton University).

Special thanks are due to to several people who helped to facilitate this screening/panel and its recording: Marsha Manns (Director, Keats-Shelley Association of America), Oleg Dubson (Apparition, the film’s distributor), Doucet Devin Fischer (Co-editor, Shelley and his Circle) Cheryl Raymond (Manager, Programs, Special Events, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts), Mike Diekmann (Manager of Audio Visual Services New York Public Library for the Performing Arts), Sarah Zimmerman (Associate Professor of English, Fordham University), John Bugg (Assistant Professor of English, Fordham University), Zachary Holbrook (Research Associate, Shelley and his Circle), and Elizabeth Denlinger (Curator, Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle, New York Public Library).

Mike Quilligan
Site Manager, Romantic Circles

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