Invitation and call for papers
Key note speakers:
Marjorie Perloff, University of Southern California
Peter Dayan, University of Edinburgh
Unni Langås, University of Agder
Mats Jansson, University of Gothenburg
The conference takes place in Aalborg, Denmark, December 3rd to December 5th 2015 and is arranged by Center for Research in Contemporary Poetry (research cooperation between University of Aalborg and Aarhus, Denmark, and Hedmark University College, Norway).
Venue: Kroghstræde 3, Auditorium 1.104, Aalborg University
Center for Research in Contemporary Poetry:
The Experiments in Contemporary Poetry is the fourth conference of CERCOP (Centre for Research in Contemporary Poetry) and the project “Contemporary Poetry between Genres, Art Forms and Media”, which was established in 2013 with a grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities (FKK). The project focuses on the explosive development with regard to the production, distribution and reception of poetry, which we have witnessed in recent decades. An orientation towards sound and performance has taken place, in which poetry, drama and music have entered into new constellations. We have seen more extensive sampling poetry and an orientation towards the narrative, as well as syntheses between poetry and visual artistic expressions. The technological development of the media has contributed to the development of new poetic forms of interaction on the Internet. The aim of the conference is to develop new interdisciplinary methods for reading contemporary poetry, and to discuss the literary-historical, art-historical, social and political implications of the expansion of poetry as a genre.
We invite all scholars and doctoral candidates to present papers that address the questions and issues mentioned above. Topics might include but are not restricted to:
· Intermediality: word, sound and image in the digital age
· Politics of space: poetry in digital or real public spaces
· Sensibilities: affects, atmospheres and materialities
· History: rethinking poetry (old or new) in respect to media (old or new)
· Conceptualism: challenges to the poiesis of poetry
· Translation: the local and the global
· Interventions: poetry outside of poetry, or reading the world poetically
· Autonomy vs. heteronomy: the borders of poetry
· Poetry now: close-readings of contemporary poetry
· Interfaces: between poetry and criticism
· Other arts: as in film and poetry
The time for paper presentations is strictly limited to 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The official language of the conference is English. Please send your abstract (around 300 words) including a short CV as an attachment to Peter Stein Larsen ( or Louise Mønster (
The deadline for paper proposals is August 15th, 2015.
Please let us know if you wish to be registered as a participant without presenting a paper.
The conference fee will be 120 EUR including conference dinner. A preliminary conference program will be published November 1st at
The conference is kindly hosted by Center for Research in Contemporary Poetry, Aalborg University and the Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University.
Conference organizers: Peter Stein Larsen and Louise Mønster
Conference Committee: Peter Stein Larsen, Louise Mønster, Rasmus Dahl Vest and Jakob Schweppenhäuser, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University and members of CERCOP.