Call for Papers deadline extended to December 15

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We are extending the deadline for proposals for papers and seminar presentations at the March 9-11 ALSCW Annual Conference to December 15. Please share this news with anyone who may be interested in submitting a proposal. The complete Call for Papers is available on our homepage.

We will meet at Claremont McKenna College on March 9-11, 2012. It will be an exciting conference, with sessions on Ariosto, Perfection and Imperfection in Medieval Literature, Lincoln and American Culture, Poetry and Philosophy, Literature and Culture of the Stalin Era, Literature of California, and Roman Elegy. Our Meringoff Seminar on Ralph Ellison will be hosted by Adam Bradley, the editor of Ellison’s Three Days Before the Shooting. Other seminars will be about Critical Editions, Names and Naming, and History as Literature. In addition, we will have poetry readings by B. H. Fairchild and Timothy Steele, and a musical performance (in connection with the panel on Literature of the Stalin Era) by Steven Cassedy.