Category: Issue 9.2
- Essay
Heart Beats, Drum Beats, and Tidal Wave Sentences
Editor's Preface
- Essay
“Traduire: Jouer”
- Translation
“Cervantes to Veneziano”
- Essay
Patrizia Cavalli: Inverted Verse, Subverted Expectations, and the Trials of Translation
- Memoir
Las Muchachas
- Essay
“When a Text Isn’t Funny Anymore: Ovid’s Art of Love”
- Essay
On Ben Lerner’s The Hatred of Poetry
- Essay
“On The Hatred of Poetry”
- Essay
“Little Boots: On Ernest Hilbert’s Caligulan”
- Essay
On Pleasures of the Game by Austin Allen
- Essay
Melville, Anti-Transcendentalism, & Democracy: Moby-Dick as a Cautionary Tale
- Fiction
Two (Non-Consecutive) Chapters from the Novel, Gris-Gris
- Memoir
With Archibald MacLeish Outside DeBruhl’s Café
- Translation
I do not follow Dante down…
- Poem
- Essay
On Håkan Sandell’s Dog Star Notations
- Essay
Review of The Borrowed World: Poems by Emily Leithauser
- Poem
- Poem
The Double Deuce