ALSCW member and MLA President Russell Berman has an important column in Inside Higher Education, responding to a keynote address by Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations and a fixture of the foreign policy establishment, delivered to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention in Boston on November 19. Berman addresses Haass’ proposal to turn foreign language instruction into a merely instrumental education, with the entailment, as at SUNY Albany, of dismantling the degree programs. Which as you may imagine, would be accompanied by the dismantling of the professoriate, and using part-time, low-paid, benefit impoverished, transient adjuncts to manage this instruction.
I’ve commented at this site on Russell’s article, as have other Association members, including past president James Engell, and I urge you all to read this and add a comment if you like, and to forward the link.
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