Issue 10:3

Literary Matters 10:3

Spring / Summer 2018

A Garland for Gwendolyn Brooks

Jonathan Farmer: “Material That Walks and Sings”: On Gwendolyn Brooks and Goodness

Leslie Monsour: Gwendolyn Brooks: The Early Work and the Problem of “Reaching Everyone in the World.”

celeste doaks and Karl Henzy: The Relation of Gwendolyn Brooks’ Formal Choices to the Life Choices of Her Characters


Michael Autrey: “Something Gallant amid the Horrifying”: Henri Cole’s Orphic Paris
Piotr Gwiazda: “Living Words”: On Ryszard Krynicki’s Magnetic Point and Our Life Grows
Rachel Hadas: On Translation
Noah Simon Jampol: A Review of Sam Graham-Felsen’s Green
Stephen Kampa: Craft and Clarity and Range: Foy, Bell, Pinsky, Groom
Emily Leithauser: Interpretive Imagination: Jonathan S.F. Post’s A Thickness of Particulars
Jan Schreiber: Short of Breath: Poems in a Narrow Compass
Matthew Buckley Smith: “The Burning Sermon”: A Review of Christian Wiman’s Hammer Is the Prayer
Susan Delaney Spear: A Long Obedience to an Exacting Muse


Betty Adcock: Cold Spell
James Arthur: To Geoffrey Chaucer
Ned Balbo: Miraculous Spirals
Jane Blanchard: Sections 7 & 12 from Via Crucis
Dylan Carpenter: At Home
Alfred Corn: Solitudes
Bill Coyle: “I have to admit…”
Maryann Corbett: Sleep, Loss
Maryann Corbett: Reading the Early Letters
Stephen Dunn: At the Intersection
John Foy: The Payment Plan
Rachel Hadas: Fast Ride
Rachel Hadas: Skin Care
David Havird: Molting
Samuel Hazo: The Essential Richard Wilbur
Samuel Hazo: Finders, Losers
Samuel Hazo: To Walk on Art
Andre Hulet: The Task
Jenna Le: Purses
Emily Leithauser: Visiting Her
Lester Graves Lennon: Under Church Roof
Eric McHenry: Lives of the Poets
Ashley Anna McHugh: Her Rose Garden
Ashley Anna McHugh: The Gate
Traci O’Dea: Manchineel
Traci O’Dea: 3.14
Jan Schreiber: A Life in Little
Austin Smith: Country Things
Austin Smith: Into the Corn
Dave Smith: Muse Story
Dave Smith: Nobody’s Dog
Dave Smith: Black Ice
James Venit: Spoken English
Deborah Warren: C. elegans


A. F. Moritz: Stéphane Mallarmé’s “Another Fan”
Traci O’Dea: Charles Baudelaire’s “The Albatross”
Aaron Poochigian: A Speech from Euripides’ Bacchae
Aaron Poochigian: A Second Speech from Euripides’ Bacchae

Notes from a Local Meeting

Susan Weiman on Patricia Hampl in NYC

Notes from the ALSCW’S Sponsored Residents at the Vermont Studio Center

Judith Hertog: A “Thank You” Letter from Vermont
Sonya Larson: The Horrific Joy of No One to Blame