Issue 13:1

Literary Matters 13.1
 (Fall, 2020)

Frank Gallimore, ‘Power Unit.’

Lee Oser: President’s Column: On Paper

Featured Fiction:

Isaac Bashevis Singer: The Pass (translated by Martha Glicklich)
David Stromberg: Editorial Afterward to “The Pass”


Featured Interview:

Reading Habits: Alissa Valles in Conversation with Edwin Frank


Meringoff Prize Winners


Cara Blue Adams: Desert Light
JP Gritton: Wonder Boy


George David Clark: Song of the Genie
George David Clark: The Latch
George David Clark: Northern Lake
Katie Peterson: The Web


William Parker Stoker: Hemingway’s Dante Revisited: In Our Time and the Mythical Method

Secondary School Essay Prize:

Hannah Lipsky: Hidden Meanings in Common Images



John Wall Barger: In the Cold Theatre of the Poem

Al Basile: Bach Jumps Off the Page: A Review of Daniel Brown’s Why Bach?

Maryann Corbett: The Lowly and the Long Friends: Hailey Leithauser’s Saint Worm

Sarah Brown Ferrario: On The Greek Plays

Sunil Iyengar: On Borrowed Wings: Sometimes I Dream That I Am Not Walt Whitman, by Joseph Harrison

Kjerstin Kauffman: Rosanna Warren’s So Forth: Fierie Vertue Rouz’d

Mary Maxwell: English Without Borders: Fifty Fifty: Carcanet’s Jubilee in Letters

Steven Moore: Pound’s “Italocentric Vision”: a Review of Ezra Pound, Italy, and “The Cantos”

David Stromberg: The Brutality of Reality

Daniel Tobin: Of Higher Ed and the Adventurous Dead: Srikanth Reddy’s Underworld Lit

Daniel Cross Turner: For All Weather: A Review of David Havird’s Weathering: Poems and Recollections

Joshua Eric Williams: The Many Moons of Dorianne Laux: A Review of Only as the Day Is Long



Bruce Bond: One
Bruce Bond: Bronze
Carmen Bugan: The Arrow of Time
Aaron Capelli: Fiction
Jennifer Clarvoe: Road Construction Ahead
Jennifer Clarvoe: Nameless Flowers
Peter Cole: Lámed
Peter Cole: Nun
Cally Conan-Davies: In the Beginning
Cally Conan-Davies: Mayhem
Armen Davoudian: Coming Out of the Shower
Nicholas Friedman: The Wounded Deer at Shady Cove
Ashley Mace Havird: Habitat
Ashley Mace Havird: Skull Mount
Ernest Hilbert: Deep Shade
Martha Hollander: In the Fridge
George Kalogeris: Inferno 26
Lester Lennon: Postcard Showing the Lynching of Allen Brooks
David Mason: Words for Hermes
David Mason: Other Gods
Aaron Poochigian: The Elsewhere Man
Jennifer Reeser: The Sun Speaks of Her Lover
Jan Schreiber: Closet Meditation
Alan Shapiro: Pastime
Daniel Tobin: from This Broken Symmetry
Chelsea Wagenaar: Derecho
Chelsea Wagenaar: Starting a Job at the Catholic School
Mark Wagenaar: Plumb Line
Deborah Warren: Lycanthrope
Deborah Warren: Closer
Bruce Weigl: Metaphysical There
Caki Wilkinson: When We Were the Queen
Caki Wilkinson: Sinkhole Oracle
David Yezzi: The Osprey



Geoffrey Brock: San Martino del Carso (from the Italian of Giuseppe Ungaretti)
Geoffrey Brock: Morning (from the Italian of Giuseppe Ungaretti)
Chris Childers: Tristia 3.7 (from the Latin of Ovid)
Armen Davoudian: Swan Song (from the Persian of Mehdi Hamidi Shirazi)
Charles Martin: Sappho Asks a Favor of a Friend (from the Greek of Sappho 1)