(Winter, 2021)
President’s Column
Nicole Coonradt: Cruel April: An Interview with the Author of “Sonnets from the Pandemic”
Caitlin Doyle: Mysterious Encounters in Life and Art: A Conversation with Dana Gioia
Cidinha da Silva: I Have Shoes for You (translated from the Portuguese by J.P. Gritton)
Cidinha da Silva: Full Moon (translated from the Portuguese by J.P. Gritton)
Cidinha da Silva: “The Boat that Doesn’t Float” (translated from the Portuguese by J.P. Gritton)
Ned Balbo: “Shimmering with Fragile Grace”: Poets of Public and Personal History
John Wall Barger: Single-Mindedness: on David Mikics’ Stanley Kubric: American Filmmaker
Brian Brodeur: Poetry in the Age of Superior Television Drama: A Review of Dan Paterson’s Zonal
Leverett Butts: Poetry Advice from a Retired Schoolteacher: Robert Penn Warren’s Lost Letter
Benjamin Goluboff: Rewilding: Regional, Teachable
Rachel Hadas: The Pen That Fits Their Need: Six Poets
Jane Greer: Samuel Hazo at Ninety-Two: Still Squaring Off with That Trickster, Time
Kjerstin Ann Kauffman: Ponder Each Furrow: On Samuel Menashe’s Collected Poems
Gardner McFall: “Art as a Container for the Self”: The Absurd Man by Major Jackson
David Mason: At Home in the Imaginal
Al Basile: How I Learned About Parenting
Geoffrey Brock: Losing a Staring Contest
Dan Brown: Case Study
Dan Brown: Sustenance
Carmen Bugan: She looks in the mirror
Christine Casson: Grace, Revisited
Cally Conan-Davies: 8
Nicole Coonradt: Calypso’s Spell
Nicholas Friedman: Early Art
Jane Greer: Those Regency Novels
Jane Greer: Like Feathers
Robert Bernard Hass: Ariel
Ashley Mace Havird: Bone Pit
Samuel Hazo: All at Once
Stephen Kampa: The Magician Contemplates Certain Mysteries
Hailey Leithauser: Little Song
Hailey Leithauser: The Poet in Late Winter
Lester Lennon: Photograph of Lynching, Pre-1915: Place and Photographer, Unknown
Shane McCrae: To Make a Wound
Jan Schreiber: The Forest
Matthew Thorburn: Then It Goes Dark
Daniel Tobin: Screen
Alissa Valles: Salvage Veuve
Alissa Valles: Claude Glass
James Venit: Ashes
Chelsea Wagenaar: Annunciation Ongoing
Mark Wagenaar: Possum Hour Gospel
Noah Warren: Operation Pedro Pan
Bruce Weigl: Outside Quang Tri City, 1968
Brad Whitehurst: Glass Cross
Caki Wilkinson: Spell of Attraction Performed with the Help of Heroes or Gladiators Or Those Who Died a Violent Death
Geoffrey Brock: Orphan (from the Italian of Giovanni Pascoli)
Charles Martin: Sappho’s Second Best (from the Greek of Sappho 31)
Jan Schreiber: Footsteps (from the French of Paul Valéry)
Jan Schreiber: Pomegranates (from the French of Paul Valéry)
Mike Mattison: “Into the Mystic”: Where Poetry Meets Music, An Interview with T.R. Hummer
T.R. Hummer: Techniques of Ecstasy: James Brown’s Multiphonic Sublime (“Cold Sweat”)
T.R. Hummer: It Isn’t Personal
T.R. Hummer: Make It News
T.R. Hummer: Catbird Theory
T.R. Hummer: What God
T.R. Hummer: Absentee
T.R. Hummer: A Cleansing
T.R. Hummer: Stray
T.R. Hummer: Changes
Walt Hunter: A New Chapter: Noah Warren’s The Complete Stories
Noah Warren: Buildings
Noah Warren: Sublessee
Noah Warren: Pure verb
Noah Warren: West
Noah Warren: No Artificial Sweeteners
Noah Warren: Cathars
Walt Hunter: Ending the Residency
Walt Hunter: Autumn Song
Walt Hunter: Olomouc
Memoir with Poems:
Daniel Cross Turner: “Preface: Crossing Realms”
Mark Edmundson: Plague Song: Chelsea Boots
Mark Edmundson: Quarantine Visit
Mark Edmundson: Dogg in Triage