(Spring/Summer, 2021)
President’s Column
Lee Oser: The Shock of the Old
Featured Poet: Shane McCrae
Shane McCrae: The Hastily Assembled Angel on Embodiment
Shane McCrae: For Sylvia Twenty-Seven in July
Shane McCrae: Please Come Flying
Shane McCrae: Whom I Have Blocked Out
Caitlin Doyle: Poetry as a Timeless Place: A Conversation with Shane McCrae
Featured Fiction
Vanessa Blakeslee: Winterland, a novel excerpt
Daniel Bosch & George Kalogeris: Ancestral Lines: An Interview with David Ferry
A Garland for David Ferry
(Audio Versions Available Here)
Jonathan Aaron: Prepositions
Daniel Bosch: To My Translator
Judith Chaffee: David Ferry—A Choreographer of Words
Greg Delanty: The Immortalists
Elizabeth Emma Ferry and Stephen Ferry: Poetry Through the Pandemic
Rachel Hadas: Some Truth about the World You Didn’t Know Enough About: A Tribute to David Ferry
George Kalogeris: 93
Gail Mazur: My Friend, David Ferry
Joshua Mehigan: “Where the Life Is”: Hearing and Reading David Ferry’s Poems and Translation
Robert Pinsky: Remembering “Ellery Street”
Christopher Ricks: Thanks to the Courtesy of David Ferry
Lloyd Schwartz: Our Horace
Alan Shapiro: On Two Sentences from David Ferry’s “That Evening at Dinner”
A.E. Stallings: Paying (Homage to) the Ferryman
Richard F. Thomas: For David Ferry
Daniel Tobin: Late Song
Bonnie Costello: Three Installations
Tony Barnstone: Fine Young Cannibal: What I Learned from Ritsos
Brian Brodeur: Komunyakaa’s Everyday Mojo
Daniel Brown: A Bumblebee of a Book: On Jason Guriel’s Forgotten Work
Sunil Iyengar: Flight Among the Texts: Anthony Hecht as Critical Essayist
Kjerstin Anne Kauffman: Jazz & Seraphim: On Grace Schulman’s The Marble Bed
Jane Satterfield: Three Poets of Myth and Memory: Anna Maria Hong, Julie Kane, Kirun Kapur
Jan Schreiber: Reading the Powows
Alissa Valles: The Infernal Visions of St. Max: On Rosanna Warren’s Biography of Max Jacob
Joshua Williams: Kim Addonizio’s Eclectic Wisdom: A Review of Now We’re Getting Somewhere
Derrick Austin: Ash and Dust
John Wall Barger: Rais Bhuiyan Song
Bruce Bond: Frog
Geoffrey Brock: Street View: A Visitation
Geoffrey Brock: Eating Early Cherries and Thinking of Pavese
James Brookes: Silvius Bonus, Fulgurite Connoisseur
James Brookes: Silvius Bonus, Piecemeal Abscission
James Brookes: Silvius Bonus, Visa Overseer
Carmen Bugan: A promise
Christine Casson: All Things Seen
Cally Conan-Davies: Learning Ukulele
Brian Culhane: Paperweight
John Drury: Flammable
Rachel Hadas: The Cave
Rachel Hadas: Blue and Green
Ashley Mace Havird: Waterline
Bernard Horn: Try to Remember
Ashley Sojin Kim: Alfacinhas
Lester Lennon: Frank Embree Standing on Buggy Facing Camera
Jesse Nathan: My Career on the Boards
Mary Jo Salter: Carlo Crivelli and the Trees
Alexis Sears: Seven
Robert B. Shaw: A Cloud Shadow
Felicity Sheehy: Cleaning the Apartment
Andrew Sofer: Wing Walker
Matthew Thorburn: The Couch with Velvety, Gray-Green Flowers
Daniel Tobin: Force
Alissa Valles: Sneath Lane
Bruce Weigl: Caged Bird in Hanoi
Brad Whitehurst: Glass Cross
Joshua Williams: Knuckleball
David Yezzi: Tyger, Tyger
Armen Davoudian: Weathervane (from the Persian of Nima Yushij)
Charles Martin: Sappho on Aesthetics (from the Greek of Sappho 16)
Aaron Poochigian: The Swan (from the French of Charles Baudelaire)
Jennifer Reeser: The Corn Is My Pleasure (from a traditional Mandan Native American song)
Hot Rocks Feature
Seven Poems
Gregory Fraser: Filthydelphia
Gregory Fraser: Olga the Magnificent
Gregory Fraser: What Earnest Gods
Gregory Fraser: The Diver
Gregory Fraser: The Key to the Good
Gregory Fraser: Pre-Elegy in Cloth
Gregory Fraser: The Lion and the Bear
A Festschrift for David Bottoms
Chad Davidson: The Night I Met David Bottoms
Gregory Fraser: A Handful of Thanks from Gregory Fraser
Edward Hirsch: On David Bottoms: Hymns to the Unknown
Mark Jarman: A Chat About David Bottoms
Rodney Jones: The Poetic Integrity of David Bottoms
Megan Sexton: Infinite Gratitude
Dave Smith: Of David Bottoms, My Friend
Michael David Sowder: “Transfiguring Angels”
Ryan Wilson: David Bottoms’ “Transfiguring Angels”
Dave Yoke: Directly, like the man
Four Poems
Rodney Jones: Jealousy Killings
Rodney Jones: Patriotism That Beautiful and Dangerous Idiocy
Rodney Jones: Two Heroes of Love
Rodney Jones: How Much I Loved This Life