Literary Matters 15.1
(Fall, 2022)

Julia Ridley Smith: Et tu, Miss Jones?Meringoff Prize Winners
Poetry Co-Winner:Hope Coulter: Home Movies
Hope Coulter: Ghazal of Gone Things
Hope Coulter: Dr. Jones at the Piano
Hope Coulter: Rubythroat
Poetry Co-Winner:
Danielle Chapman: The Reason
Danielle Chapman: Alphabet City
Danielle Chapman: Trespassing with Tweens
Danielle Chapman: Fishing Prayer
Scott Bartley: “Our looks, two looks”: Reconciling Traditions in Elizabeth Bishop’s Object-Poems
Brian Brodeur: “The Sound of the World Alive”: A Conversation with Maurice ManningCriticism
Maryann Corbett: Unended Journeys: Alfred Corn’s The Returns: Collected PoemsPaul Dean: Michel Butor: The Freedom of Frameworks
Jane Greer: “The beloved spectator who is myself”: Mary Jo Salter, Socially Distanced
Sunil Iyengar: Point Blank: The Transparent Pleasures of Kirsch’s Memoir in Verse
George Kalogeris: A Singular Presence: On Carmen Bugan’s Poetry and the Language of Oppression: Essays on Politics and Poetics
Kjerstin Anne Kauffman: Well Said: New Prose by Daniel Brown
John Poch: How a Singer Can Sing in Prose
A. E. Stallings: Afterglow: An Appreciation of Robert B. Shaw’s What Remains to Be Said
Daniel Tobin: The Ends of Things and What We Are
Peter Vertacnik: Of Love and Boundaries: Nicholas Pierce’s In Transit
Poetry Feature
Nicholas Friedman: GravityNicholas Friedman: White Sands
Nicholas Friedman: Black Swallow-Wort
Nicholas Friedman: Painter of Light™
Caitlin Doyle: On Writing, Teaching, and Defeating the “Shitbird” of Self-Doubt: A Conversation with Philip SchultzPoems
John Wall Barger: UntitledPaula Bohince: Lost Cockatiel
Brian Brodeur: What We Told the Children
Floyd Collins: Another Realm of Discourse
Floyd Collins: Elusive Couplings
Cally Conan-Davies: The Art of Peace
Cally Conan-Davies: On McGregor Street
Maggie Dietz: Cusp
Boris Dralyuk: Elegy for a Hollywood Playhouse
Sarah Haman: Swallowing Starlight
David Havird: Hayfield at Sundown
Jodie Hollander: Hands
Jodie Hollander: Viola
Spencer Hupp: Affluence
Spencer Hupp: Millwood
Rodney Jones: Childhood Ends
David Lehman: Caviar to the General
Amit Majmudar: Hymn to Yama
Maurice Manning: The Invention of Hooky
David Mason: In the Caged Garden
David Mason: To the Other Planets
Sebastian Matthews: Microfiche
Shane McCrae: Studying the Anglo-Saxons
Brendan Rabon: John Saul
Maurya Simon: Indonesian Corpse Flower
Maurya Simon: Gone
Ron Slate: Brother/ICU
Natalie Staples: Mirror, Mirror
Amy Strieter: Autumn Pass
William Wenthe: The Chelsea Girl
William Wenthe: The Artist Is Reborn
Robert Wrigley: Whiskey of Life
Bruce Weigl: Slaughterhouse, Chapter 14 (from the Vietnamese of Nguyen Quang Thieu)Bruce Weigl: Slaughterhouse, Chapter 15 (from the Vietnamese of Nguyen Quang Thieu)
Bruce Weigl: Slaughterhouse, Chapter 16 (from the Vietnamese of Nguyen Quang Thieu)
William Wenthe: Letter to Whistler (from the French of Stéphane Mallarmé)