Literary Matters 16.1
(Fall, 2023)
Meringoff Prize Winners
Fiction Winner
Becky Hagenston: Wild Creatures
Poetry Co-Winner
Ernest Hilbert: All the Usual Distractions
Ernest Hilbert: Air and Space
Ernest Hilbert: Nostos
Ernest Hilbert: White Cottage
Ernest Hilbert: Taphonomy
Poetry Co-Winner
Garrett Hongo: The Surfaces of the Sea
Non-Fiction Winner
Hope Coulter: A Label for My Father
J.P. Gritton: On Identity, Doubt, & Digging In: A Conversation with Fiction Writer Mesha Maren
Featured Poet
Didi Jackson: Praise Poem with First Line by Derek Walcott
Didi Jackson: canis latans / coyote
Didi Jackson: Dogfight
Didi Jackson: Bingo Cemetery, Green Mountains, Vermont
Didi Jackson: Glowing with Joy
Ned Balbo: To Live for Not Yet Created Things: Measured Voices in a World of Discord
Maryann Corbett: Capital Improvements: The Initial-Caps Wars
Paul Dean: Julien Gracq: History in the Making
Rachel Hadas: Meetings on the Sea Front
Mark Halliday: Bleak Solace in a Poem by William Olsen
Melanie McCabe: The Famous Sisters Break Free from the Dusty Pages of History in The Badass Brontës
Thomas Pfau: Saving Time or Saving Yourself: A Memo to Students on AI
Jay Rogoff: Becoming Poetry: An Introduction
J.C. Scharl: Turning Home: A Review of Aaron Poochigian’s Mr. Either/Or Books
Daniel Cross Turner: Still Looking: Dave Smith’s Late Poetry
Camille Carter: Evening FallsCameron Clark: Another Ophelia, Another Venus
Sarah Cortez: Good Riddance, Clyde
Morri Creech: American Sublime
Morri Creech: At Isle of Palms
Cally Conan-Davies: At Oyster Cove
William Virgil Davis: John Ruskin Drowsing in his Stone Seat at Brantwood
M.I. Devine: Church Going
Jeanne Foster: From a Tuscan Farmhouse Window
John Foy: Sextina
Judith Harris: On the Anniversary of His Death
Toni Holland: Mothlight
Anna Maria Hong: New Year’s Eve
Kjerstin Anne Kauffman: Weathering
Kjerstin Anne Kauffman: Vestibule
Timothy Kleiser: Closing Up the Beauty Parlor
Ted Kooser: In Transit
Ted Kooser: Raincoat
David Lehman: Three Aesthetic Questions
Toby Martinez de las Rivas: The Mountain
David Mason: Huckleberries
David Mason: Dream Job
Shane McCrae: The Player on the Bridge
Ashley Anna McHugh: The Light of Autumn
Christopher Lee Miles: Against Sleeplessness
Carl Phillips: Yes
Carl Phillips: Mechanics
D.A. Powell: Space Race
John Savoie: Night Drive
John Savoie: Old Dog at Night
Grace Schulman: Witness
Grace Schulman: Voyeuse
Robert B. Shaw: Happenstance
Timothy Steele: Orb Weavers
Lesley Wheeler: Submicroscopic
Kelly Scott Franklin: Verses (from the Spanish of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)
Ethan McGuire: Between the Hillocks (from the Chinese of Yue Fei)