Issue 16.2

Literary Matters 16.2

(Winter, 2024)




Becoming an Instrument of the Poem: A Conversation with Paul Muldoon


Andreea Bălan: Meaning, Metaphor & Multivalence

Brian Brodeur: The Flâneur of the Castro: On Randall Mann

Paul Dean: Proust at the Drawing-Board

Judith Harris: A Review of Mary Jo Bang’s A Film in Which I Play Everyone

David Havird: “A Far from Comic Plot”: The Life in Verse of Anthony Hecht

Sunil Iyengar: Purposefully Prosaic: Kampa’s Most Recent Collection

Mary Grace Mangano: Stepping Back to Stare: A Review of Maryann Corbett’s The O in the Air

Lee Oser: William H. Pritchard and the Twilight of Literary Criticism


Alice Allan: To My Artist Friends
Amy Bagan: Bread Lines
Jason Barry: A Pretext for Painting Flowers
Nathan Blansett: Sundown
Bruce Bond: Lunette 1
Bruce Bond: Lunette 8
Geoffrey Brock: Betrayal
Geoffrey Brock: The Shingle Street Shell Line
Charmaine Cadeau: To have and to hold
Cameron Clark: Centaur
Alfred Corn: Foreseeable Future
Josiah Cox: Heroin
Cally Conan-Davies: A Song for My Granddaughter
Cally Conan-Davies: Mushrooms
William Virgil Davis: Henry James in Central Park
William Virgil Davis: Bruegel’s “Adoration of the Magi” (1564)
John Foy: Not So Compelling
Judith Harris: Last Words
R. Nemo Hill: No More
Sunil Iyengar: At the Gate
Ted Kooser: A Winter Dinner
Charles Martin: On an Infant’s Feet
Charles Martin: Poem Begun from Marginalia Found in a Used Copy of Donald Justice’s Platonic Scripts
David Mason: Things Come to Mind and This is One
Forester McClatchey: Humdrumming
Alfred Nicol: Tell You the Story
Angela Alaimo O’Donnell: The Prophecy
Lee Oser: The Contest
Jacqueline Osherow: Meadow (Everamonte, the Alentejo)
John Poch: The Prodigal’s Brother
Grace Schulman: Thebes, Revisited
Grace Schulman: The Dead
Susan Delaney Spear: Autumn, 2015
Wendy Videlock: In the Turn of a Phrase
David Yezzi: The White-Tailed Deer


Anthony Hecht, An Epilogue: A Conversation with David Yezzi


J.D. Scrimgeour with Rosanna Warren: Autumn Exhausts Me (from the Chinese of Ma Yongbo)

John Wall Barger: Greek Fire (from the Italian of Orazio Labbate)

John Wall Barger: Skeletal Angel (from the Italian of Orazio Labbate)

John Wall Barger: Oblivion (from the Italian of Orazio Labbate)

Hot Rocks Feature

Diana Senechal: “Tárá-ráálá-rálárám”: The First Two Albums of Tamás Cseh and Géza Bereményi

Daniel Cross Turner: Dog Tags

Daniel Cross Turner: Saint Andrews, Saint Allman

Keith Flynn: The History of Punk

Keith Flynn: Punk

Keith Flynn: The Ballad of Wendy O.

Lisa Russ Spaar: Cloverfield Friends

Gabrielle Fuentes: What is Workshop For?

Garrett Hongo: The Weight of Robbie Robertson