Literary Matters 16.3
(Spring/Summer, 2024)

Letter from the Editor
Caitlin Doyle: The Questions Carry Us Forward: A Conversation with Adrian Matejka
Featured Poet
Orlando Ricardo Menes: Talking to William Blake
Orlando Ricardo Menes: Oliver Cromwell Perorates on Cuba
Orlando Ricardo Menes: Havana, 1955
Orlando Ricardo Menes: Insula Cuba in the Reign of Caesar Fidelis Castrus
Orlando Ricardo Menes: Michel de Montaigne’s Apologia for the Xenomorph
Ned Balbo: Poverty’s Price & History’s Measure: Adam Tavel’s Sum Ledger
Betsy K. Brown: Poetry as Conversation: A Review of Jane Scharl’s Ponds
Paul Dean: The Annals of Annie Ernaux
Joshua Hren: The Dumb Ox & The Good Samaritan: A Double Review
Matthew Kirby: Christian Wiman’s Poetics of Spiritual Survival
Timothy Kleiser: A Kingdom of Mediacy: On Maurice Manning & Snakedoctor
Mary Grace Mangano: The Poet-Philosopher-Nun of “New Spain”
James Prather: Fama Flammaeque Furentes
Michael Rutherglen: Dickinson’s Nimble Subjunctive
Matthew Buckley Smith: The Strange Heart: A Review of Morri Creech’s The Sentence
Erick Verran: Exit Ghost: A Review of Callie Siskel’s Two Minds
Katy Carl: A Provincial Education
Brian Brodeur: “Every Word Is a World”: A Conversation with A. E. Stallings
J.P. Gritton: The Nurse Attending
Tessa Berman: Can I Have Five More Minutes
David Caplan: Mornings Like This
Christine Casson: Even the Ant
Maryann Corbett: A Northerner Visits the Springtime
James Davis: To an Early Role Model
William Virgil Davis: Persephone in Stillness
William Virgil Davis: William Dean Howells Revisits Fresh Pond
Jeanne Foster: At the Poet’s Birthplace
Jeanne Foster: Song for a Lucertola
Regan Green: Dyersburg Fairview Cemetery
Rachel Hadas: The Truth as Well
Rachel Hadas: Seminar by Starlight
Judith Harris: Walking Home from Market
Judith Harris: Saint’s Day, Arles, France 1943
Katie Hartsock: What Killed the Boys They Loved When They Were Young
Julie Kane: Across a Crowded Room
Julie Kane: Every Mardi Gras Day
Matthew Kirby: Noon Light at Rite Aid
Brad Leithauser: A Single Flight
Brad Leithauser: Icarus and His Kid Brother
Brad Leithauser: Some Stranger’s Passport
Emily Leithauser: Cups on a String
Emily Leithauser: September Anniversary
Hailey Leithauser: Canticle of the Back Burner
Charles Martin: On the Coming Extinctions
Charles Martin: On the Problem of Bears
Adrian Matejka: Another Circus
Forester McClatchey: Wild Azaleas
Forester McClatchey: Wringing Lilies from the Acorn
Jacqueline Osherow: Little Crown for the Alentejo
Christian Paulisich: Sandcastles in the Air
Jan Scheiber: Approaching Sleep
Robert Bernard Hass: Wulf and Eadwacer (from the Anglo-Saxon)
Joshua Mehigan: Remorse (from the Spanish of Jorge Luis Borges)
Joshua Mehigan: The Eel (from the Italian of Eugenio Montale)
Julie Steiner: On an Image of Kairos (from the Greek of Posidippus)
Julie Steiner: On an Image of Opportunity and Regret (from the Latin of Ausonius)
Elizabeth Denton: CookiesCommentary
Paul Dean: Beyond ESKER: Learning French in England