Fall 2016
A Note from John Briggs, President of ALSCW
2015 Meringoff Prize Winners:
Robert B. Shaw: Ferrying
Al Basile: A Straw in the Wind
John Koelsch: Final Day
Critical Feature
A Double-Take on Seamus Heaney’s Aeneid Book VI:
Chris Childers: The Heaneid
Maggie Greaves: Back to the Light: Seamus Heaney’s Virgilian Quest
Scholarship and Criticism:
Joseph Boyne: Reassessing the Reassessment: John Glass on Allen Tate
Kjerstin Kauffman: The Beatitudes of Rowan
Randolph Runyon: Sequential Patterning in the Decameron and the Heptaméron
Jane Satterfield: Treasures Reclaimed: The Collected Poems of Adrienne Rich
Rosanna Warren: Two Spells: Buffam and Levis
On the Continuum: An Interview with Abriana Jetté by Wesley Rothman
The More Difficult Task: An Interview with Brad Leithauser by Ryan Wilson
Austin Allen: In Mudville
David Bottoms: An Old Enemy
David Bottoms: Young Nurse, VA Hospital, 1945
David Bottoms: All Beggars Would Ride
Sheyna E. Gifford: Last Wild Note
A. E. Stallings: Empathy
A. E. Stallings: Fog
Chris Childers: Alcman 26
Chris Childers: Sappho 31
Chris Childers: Catullus 51
Notes on a Local Meeting:
Michael Autrey: Henri Cole at the University of Chicago, October 22, 2015.