Lecture and Poetry Reading: Eugenio Montale and the Great Modern Cycle of Love Poetry

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David Hertz, Professor and Chair of Comparative Literature, Indiana University, Bloomington

Wednesday, April 22, 5 pm

Foster 505, University of Chicago

1130 East 59th St.


The lecture will be followed by a reading of Montale’s love poems by Silvia Guslandi, David Hertz, Rosanna Warren, and Rebecca West

Refreshments will be served

David Michael Hertz’s most recent book, Eugenio Montale, The Fascist Storm and the Jewish Sunflower, is an extensive study of the Clizia myth in the works of the Italian poet Eugenio Montale, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1975. Hertz’s earlier books include Frank Lloyd Wright in Word and FormAngels of Reality: Emersonian Unfoldings in Frank Lloyd Wright, Wallace Stevens and Charles Ives; and The Tuning of the Word: the Musico-literary Poetics of Symbolist Movement. A composer and pianist, Hertz is the co-founder of the Center for Comparative Arts at Indiana University.

Silvia Guslandi is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Romance Languages, the University of Chicago.

Rosanna Warren is the Hanna Holborn Gray Distinguished Service Professor in the Committee on Social Thought, the University of Chicago.

Rebecca West is the William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Service Professor Emerita of Italian Literature in the Department of Romance Languages and the Department of Cinema and Media Studies, the University of Chicago.

Co-Sponsored by the Committee on Social Thought and the Association of Literary Scholars, Writers, and Critics