Literary Matters 7.2 Is Now Available

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Dear friends and members of the ALSCW,

Literary Matters 7.2 is now available for your reading pleasure. The pieces in this issue demonstrate the depth that can be attained by embracing seemingly opposing forces. Among the works featured in this issue are two book reviews on new collections of poetry, a challenging puzzle, a paper on Thoreau, and a personal essay. There are also many news items, including a full report on the 2014 Annual Conference and information about the launch of the review-copy database.

I am eager to hear from all of you, so whether you are inclined to offer comments about the materials presented in this issue; submit articles, reviews, or poems for future issues; or share news of your recent publications, do not hesitate to be in touch. Please note that the next deadline, October 31, 2014, is for submissions to Issue 7.4.

Thank you all for your time and for your support of the Association. Enjoy these final weeks of summer and take care.

Warm regards,

Samantha Madway

Editor, Literary Matters