Meringoff Writing Awards: March 31, 2023 Deadline

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The Meringoff Writing Awards have deadlines of March 31st, 2023. Everyone who enters the Meringoff Writing Awards competition must be a member of the ALSCW or sponsored by a member. Membership information is available on the ALSCW website ( Only previously unpublished submissions are accepted; if a submission is accepted by another journal, please inform us immediately by e-mailing

The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers announces three awards of $3,500 each in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Only one entry per genre is accepted from each person. All entries must be previously unpublished. The winning entries will be published in either Literary Imagination or Literary Matters. All entries must be postmarked no later than March 31, 2023. The winners will be announced in June.

There is no entry fee for current members of The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers. Members will receive the annual three issues of our Oxford University Press print journal, Literary Imagination, and our online journal, Literary Matters.

For the Meringoff Poetry Award, each entry can be one poem, or a group of poems that add up to no more than 350 lines, though entries should not include more than 6 poems total.

For the Meringoff Fiction Award, each entry should be one story, or a chapter of a longer work of no more than 25 pages double-spaced.

For the Meringoff Nonfiction Award, each entry should be one nonfiction piece, or a chapter of a longer work of no more than 25 pages double-spaced.

All entries will be judged anonymously. Please include THREE COPIES of your entry with your name, email address, postal address, and phone number ON ONLY ONE OF THEM. All submissions should be postmarked no later than March 31, 2023, and mailed to:

ALSCW Meringoff Writing Awards
Marist Annex
The Catholic University of America
620 Michigan Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20064