The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics and Writers announces a panel
and reception entitled Principles of Excellence in Poetry, which will take
place at Poets House in New York City on September 28, 2012 at 7:00pm.
The event will be free and open to the public. A reception hosted by ALSCW
member William Louis-Dreyfus will follow.
The panel, moderated by Edward Mendelson, will include three panelists
(each speaking for ten minutes): Christopher Ricks will discuss John Crowe
Ransom’s critique of Thomas Hardy’s poetry, Jill Rosser will speak on the
poetry of John Donne, and Paul Keegan will discuss Samuel Beckett’s French
and English poems. A discussion with the audience will follow the panelists’ brief
The event will take place at Poets House – 10 River Terrace / New York, NY 10282
For further information, please contact the ALSCW Office at 617.358.1990 or