Our New Office Manager

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We are delighted to announce that Ryan Wilson is the new Office Manager of the ALSCW headquarters in Washington, D.C.  He will also assume the editorship of Literary Matters.

Ryan, who is currently a doctoral student at The Catholic University of America, earned an M.F.A. from Boston University and an M.F.A. from Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University, where he administered the program’s Graduate Reading Series.  At CUA he has organized the Crux Poetry festival and run two reading series. He has published more than fifty poems, articles, and translations from the Latin, Spanish, and French, and is finishing a dissertation on Dante’s and T.S. Eliot’s influences on Robert Penn Warren’s poetry. Ryan was awarded the Sankey Prize for Poetry at Johns Hopkins and he won the Traum Award for literary translation at Boston University. During the last calendar year he’s published four substantial articles, including an article on Donald Justice and the New Critics (originally presented at the 2013 ALSCW conference in Athens, Georgia) that appeared in The Sewanee Review, and was subsequently awarded the Walter Sullivan Prize for Promise in Criticism by that journal. Another article won the Eleanor Clark Award from The Robert Penn Warren Circle, and also appeared in The Sewanee Review. His poetry appears widely in journals, including 32 PoemsAble MuseThe Classical Outlook, First Things, The Hopkins Review, and Iron Horse Literary Review.  In the past few years, his poems have been finalists for the River Styx International Poetry Prize (2012), the Frost Farm Prize (2015), and the Morton Marr Prize from The Southwest Review (2014, 2015), and he was also nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2015. He has twice been a finalist for the Vassar Miller Book Award (2014, 2015).