Literature & All the Other Activities
Three Talks by Christopher Ricks
T. S. Eliot: “to exhibit the relations of literature—not to ‘life’ as something contrasted to literature, but to all the other activities, which, together with literature, are the components of life.”
October 1 More than One Waste Land
October 8 The strength to force the moment to its crisis: Thomas Hardy and George Eliot
October 22 Just Like a Woman? Bob Dylan and the Charge of Misogyny
Christopher Ricks is a member of the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers, of which he was president (2007-2008). Co-Director of the Editorial Institute at Boston University and Warren Professor of the Humanities, he was formerly a professor of English at the University of Bristol and at Cambridge. He was the Professor of Poetry at Oxford, 2004-2009. His Anthony Hecht Lectures in the Humanities were published by Yale in 2010 as True Friendship: Geoffrey Hill, Anthony Hecht, and Robert Lowell Under the Sign of Eliot and Pound. With Lisa Nemrow and Julie Nemrow, he has edited Bob Dylan, The Lyrics: Since 1962 (to be published by Simon & Schuster in November this year), and with Jim McCue The Poems of T. S. Eliot (two vols., Faber & Faber, 2015).
Admission Free for ALSCW Members*
Doors open at 6:45 PM | Space is limited
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* ALSCW members are entitled to one free ticket to each event. All who wish to attend should reserve tickets using the online form (available here), by mailing the printable form (available here), or by contacting the Boston office. First come, first served.
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