Upcoming Local Meeting at Barnard College

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The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers and Saskia Hamilton, co-editor of Literary Imagination, invite you to Fictions of Fiction, a literary evening featuring Morris Dickstein and Darryl Pinckney. Morris Dickstein will present “My Life in Fiction.” Darryl Pinckney will read a chapter from High Cotton “sort of about Barnard and Columbia.”

This meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 13, 2012, 6:00pm, at 302 Barnard Hall, Barnard College, New York City. Barnard Hall is located immediately upon entering through the main gate of the Barnard College campus at Broadway and 117th Street. Refreshments to follow

Morris Dickstein is Distinguished Professor of English and Theatre at the CUNY Graduate Center. His most recent books are Leopards in the Temple, a study of postwar American fiction, A Mirror in Roadway, a collection of literary essays, and Dancing in the Dark, a cultural history of the Depression era, which received the Ambassador Book Award in American Studies and was nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award in criticism.

Darryl Pinckney, a long time contributor to The New York Review of Books, is the author of a novel, High Cotton, and, in the Alain Locke Lecture series, Out There: Mavericks of Black Literature. He is at work on a study of African American literature in the twentieth century.